The Future is a scary place. It’s inherently unknowable and the unknowable frightens us. Nobody likes uncertainty.
And that’s why trend reports are great: They give us a map of the mysterious world of next year or next financial quarter. They reassure us that we humans are truly in control of the world around us.
But they’re mostly based on only slightly-educated guesses, author biases and preconceived notions. They endlessly reference each other in a circle of unchecked footnotes* and unsubstantiated claims. Predictions are vague enough to be accurate for some areas, some demographics and some in-groups.
Predictions are never wrong - they’re just not true yet.
You can download a PDF of this document here or access it on Slideshare here.
A lot of what I’ve predicted is obviously not going to come true (except maybe that thing about influencers in 2019).
What is true is that mass, digital and social media (and the advertising dollars behind it all) will play an increasingly important role in shaping the world around us.
We have a responsibility to understand this. And we have an opportunity to channel our passion, our creativity, our resources and our efforts towards creating a future that we want to live in.
If you made it this far, you either enjoyed this document or just flipped through the pages super quickly. Either way: great job.
I’m based in Vancouver, Canada but frequently travel to provide brand and strategic consulting services to clients that interest and excite me. I’m always interested in new conversations. Reach out to me here.
-Parker Mason
*“On Footnotes and Reference” - Parker Mason, 2017